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High-throughput Measurements for Functional Genomics of Milk: Abstract

H. Martens, A. Kohler, N.K. Afseth, J.P. Wold, M. Hersleth, I. Berget, T. Ådnøy, M. Skaugen, T. Isaksson, G. Vegarud, A. Criscione, B.-H. Mevik, M.B. Frøst, Å.T. Randby, E. Prestløkken, P. Berg, M. Kent, S. Lien, S.W. Omholt (2007); High-throughput Measurements for Functional Genomics of Milk; Journal of Animal and Feed Sciences 16(1), 172—189.

Recent developments in analytical technology have simplified a detailed characterization of milk and milk-based samples. A range of powerful new instrumentation types have recently been installed at various institutes at Campus Ås (Norway). At the campus we have recently implemented efficient, multi-channel instrumentation for genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, biospectroscopy, metabolomics and various quality assessments. The present paper gives an informal outline of various modern analytical tools for characterization of various milk and milk-based samples.